An End Of Year Letter From Our CEO
Picture of Brianna Frith

Brianna Frith

Author, Founder at Endhome


I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season.

I wanted to take a moment at the end of this eventful year to reflect on life at Endhome and to share some of my excitement for the work to come in 2023.

My first six months as Founder have been packed with meeting brilliant people, having thoughtful conversations about strategy with other leaders in our sector, and studying existing data to develop new metrics for measuring efficiency, productivity, and quality of service delivery within our organization.

I remain humbled and delighted to be in this role and in this amazing community of world-changers and visionaries. And I am thrilled with the work that we’ve been able to accomplish in the second half of this year.

We’ve had an exceptional year, and I wanted to personally take a minute to share some of our highlights with you.

Endhome had a transformative and landmark 2022 in many respects.

  • We opened in four provinces and built an awesome team of over 15 senior real estate lawyers who are passionate about helping people and businesses succeed.
  • Since our launch in June, we’ve accomplished a lot: more than $30 million worth of real estate transactions have been closed through us—and that number keeps growing!
  • Just in Ontario, forty-eight (48) wills were drafted and executed by our legal team.
  • Due to our overwhelming commitment to giving back to the planet and supporting biodiversity, we have planted 450 trees with onetreeplanted!
  • Our online platform, central systems, and technology-driven approach have allowed us to break the ice of legal innovation.
  • The official Homeowner Guide was published, and we have distributed more than 500 digital copies across Canada.
  • I (Brianna) announced my lawyer workshop program in November, and we are already so delighted by the firms that have joined us in that community. There are 22 lawyers enrolled to receive 1:1 coaching for their 2023 marketing plan.

We’re absolutely thrilled with how much progress we’ve made together so far, but we’re not done yet. There’s still so much more potential for growth and expansion across Canada, and I can’t wait to see what the next few years have in store for us.

I want to close by asking for your continued support. I’ve been a part of the professional community of people working to transform the legal industry for many years, and I know the passion that this community has for the work that we do. We need a robust community of lawyers to fuel this work for change.

Our team is here to make sure that the momentum grows, to hold the industry accountable for change, to educate and mobilize, and to do whatever it takes to secure a better experience accessible to everyone. That is the role we play in society, and we do it with your support.

Thank you for believing in us when we were just getting started!

I wish you all much health, success and happiness for the coming year.

Yours in pursuit of an ending at home for all,
