How to secure your home: Going away for the winter
Picture of Brianna Frith

Brianna Frith

Author, Founder at Endhome

Winter travel is bound to happen, but what about your home?

The holiday season has arrived! As every season, streaming websites are airing the classics: Holiday movies. One of Endhome’s favourite movies showing this holiday season is “Home Alone”, directed by Chris Columbus. A classic movie that can provide valuable information for a homeowner. Though protecting your home from “The Wet Bandits” is easier now than when “Home Alone, ” was filmed, there are certain tricks and tips to help along the way.

Top 3 tips for securing your home over the holidays:

Install some surveillance.

Technology is present now more than ever, and with so many ways to watch and protect your home, one can feel overwhelmed. A simple home surveillance system can provide a lot of reassurance to any homeowner. Many systems now connect and call emergency services if there is an issue, so your home is in safe hands no matter where you are. In addition, most current home camera systems come equipped with applications so you can watch your home while out of the house. Simply log on, take a look, and go back to enjoying your holiday. Live video feeds and security systems certainly add a level of safety to one’s home, but more importantly, it adds ease of mind during the holiday season.

Clear your landscape.

Clearing your yard during the winter is not a fan favourite: cold weather and frosty Winter air are harsh. Despite this, yard clean-up before you travel can be a key factor in keeping your property safe. A tidy yard with no debris provides fewer places for people with the intent to hide, and more open areas for neighbours to notice any damage and alert you. With a security system in place, as mentioned previously, a clear yard can reduce any obstructions on camera systems you may have. In addition to keeping your yard clear, you can implement some lights around the yard. Not only is it keeping in the holiday spirit, but if you are going away this season, it gives the impression that someone is home. Lights on mean occupied!

Overall, a clear property helps keep your home safe, but it is also a wonderful thing to return to. A clear yard reduces the chance of injury, slips, and falls. The slips and falls seen in “Home alone” may cause a laugh or two while watching, but they are less fun to experience.

Lock your doors and windows.

It may seem like a given to lock your house up before you head out for the holidays but in a rush, it can easily be forgotten. Running to catch a flight, grabbing your bags, or meeting your Uber can leave everyday things in the back of your mind. It is recommended to add locking all windows and doors to your travelling checklist. Having this task on a list allows you to mark it off when completed, so you are confident that it has been done.

There is nothing worse than questioning if you have locked up the house while on the way to your next vacation destination.

Traveling during the holiday season is a wonderful but often stressful thing. Preparing your house for any event is one thing off your list of worries. Want more tips on how to take care of your home this season? Check out our article about proper winter house maintenance.